Sheds by Taylor Structures - Options

Shed Options

At Taylor Structures every shed comes standard with a set of double doors, two  windows and shutters, and 30 year architectural shingles. However, there are other options you can order your shed with. You can add any of the following 
options to your shed as extras. This enables you to build a custom shed to suit your needs. 

Single and Double Doors 
Single and Double House Doors 
Glass in Doors

Extra Windows and Shutters 
Transom Windows 
Flower Boxes

Lofts and Ramps 
Depending on shed and door size 
4'x8' Loft 
4'x12' Loft 
4' long and 6' long Ramp 
8' and 9' Garage Door Ramp

Partitioned Walls 
8' Wide 
10' Wide 
12' Wide 


Floor Options 
8" On Center Floor Joist 
Pressure Treated Plywood Floor 
Insulated Floor 
Double Plywood Floor

Gable Vents (standard on all sheds) 
Garden Vents 
Half Moon Vents 
Ridge Vent 


Spec Information



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